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Book Summaries: Popular Books Summarized in 1 Short Paragraph

Here are the 25 popular books summarize in one short paragraph.

1. The One Thing – Gary Keller

This is one of the most profound books ever written on productivity and focus. This book is a must read if you want to improve your productivity by doing things that truly matter. The author, Gary Keller will show you why multitasking is not the way and how to use the focusing question to uncover your most important target that will give you the best result.

2. Awaken The Giant Within – Anthony Robbins

This is the classic personal development book from the household name in the industry, Anthony Robbins. The information and knowledge contained in this book are still very relevant and applicable even in today’s world. If you want to transform yourself and achieve outstanding success financially, physically, emotionally, mentally and even in your relationship, read this book.

3. The Code of Extraordinary Mind – Vishen Lakhiani

VIshen Lakhiani is the founder of Mindvalley, the fastest growing personal development company of this century. In this book, Vishen shared his views on life and success and his remarkable ideas and insights will open your mind. You will learn how to bend reality and achieve an extraordinary result in your industry.

4. The E-Myth – Michael Gerber

This is an old classic book on business that has transformed many businesses around the world. Do you know why most businesses fail after 5 years? The answer is within this book where Michael Gerber shared his ideas on how to transform your business from infancy to adolescence through his turnkey business concept.

5. Losing My Virginity – Richard Branson

This book was written by the billionaire Virgin Airlines founder, Richard Branson. Branson has been known for his adventurous and outgoing personalities in the business. You will get to learn his philosophy and how he started his business from scratch to managing over 400 companies through his Virgin Group.

6. Millionaire Success Habits – Dean Graziosi

It is everyone’s dream to be and live as a millionaire. In this remarkable book, Dean Graziosi shared his idea in how to overcome roadblocks and how you can unleash the power within yourself to becoming a millionaire. This book contains many pearls of wisdom and techniques that can make you a millionaire.

7. Delivering Happiness – Tony Hsieh

Tony Hsieh is the CEO for Zappos.com and in 2009, Amazon acquired Zappos for a whopping $1.2 billion. Tony shares his story on how he started in the tech industry like all other startups and makes it big in this book. You will discover powerful insights on business and how Tony overcomes insurmountable obstacles to become a successful entrepreneur in the modern world.

8. The Success Principles – Jack Canfield

Jack Canfield is the famous author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series books that require no introduction anymore. The series has more than 250 titles and over 500 million copies in print. In his book, The Success Principles, he collected 64 essential lessons for creating and living a successful life.

9. The Power of Positive Thinking – Norman Vincent Peale

This is the book you should read when it comes to positive thinking. Norman Vincent Peale was known as the “father of positive thinking”, and his work has been revolving around this subject. If you have no idea how to think positively or you want to be a positive thinker, get this book.

10. Good To Great – Jim Collins

Good To Great is a great book on business that every entrepreneur should read. Jim Collins conducted hundreds of survey and showed his research on how a successful business manages to break through the ordinary barrier and becomes extraordinary. You will find many powerful insights and concepts in this book including the famous “Hedgehog Concept”.

11. Secrets of The Millionaire Mind – T. Harv Eker

There are many books have been written in the finance section, but not many are as honest as Harv Eker’s Secrets of The Millionaire Mind. Harv shares his amazing view how a millionaire thinks from the inside. When you change your “blueprint”, your outside, the physical world will change. Read this book if you want to adopt the mindset of a millionaire.

12. Your Best Life Now – Joel Osteen

Joel Osteen is the famous pastor of Lakewood Church, his sermons are broadcasted 24 hours a day and are seen by over 7 million viewers weekly over 100 countries. His book, Your Best Life Now was top in the New York Times Best Seller list for over 200 weeks. Although Joel is a pastor, the wisdom and the knowledge he shared in his book are catered toward personal development and how to live out your best.

13. What To Say When You Talk To Yourself – Shad Helmstetter

Do you realize that your current life is the result of your self-talk? It is how you talk to yourself that will determine your action, and hence, the results you get in life. In this book, you will learn how to talk to yourself and the many great examples you can use when you talk to yourself.

14. Steve Jobs – Walter Isaacson

This is one of the best entrepreneurship books of the century. You will discover the story behind the person who revolutionized the whole tech industry and the person who built a brand that has become a household name that everyone familiar with today. Steve Jobs, is a book that has inspired millions of startups and entrepreneurs to make a dent in the universe.

15. Outliers – Malcolm Gladwell

In this book, the best-selling author Malcolm Gladwell uncovers the factors that contribute to high levels of success. Malcolm shared his research including how Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates achieved his wealth and how The Beatles became a super successful musical band in the world. If you are serious about achieving great success in life, this is the book you should read.

16. The 4 Disciplines of Execution – Chris McChesney, Sean Covey, and Jim Huling

When it comes to goal setting, this is the book that you must read. You will discover the 4 disciplines of execution on how to achieve your wildly important goal. The information contains in this book will give you the picture of why most people fail to achieve their goals and how you can accomplish yours.

17. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari – Robin Sharma

This is a self-published book from the former litigation lawyer, Robin Sharma. After he published The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, the book quickly became popular and was then pickup by HarperCollins. This book is about the story of how a rich and successful lawyer collapses from a heart attack and how he went on a Himalayan journey to discover a spiritual path and practical lessons that changes his life.

18. The Secret – Rhonda Bryne

The Secret is the groundbreaking book that shook the personal development industry with the famous Law of Attraction. The book also features many success and self-help gurus including John Assaraf, Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor, Joe Vitale, Michael Beckwith and more. If you are into the Law of Attraction, this is a must-read book.

19. Eat That Frog – Brian Tracy

This book is about time management and productivity. Eat That Frog is a best-selling book from Brian Tracy and if you want to learn how to be productive, overcome procrastination and get more things done, this is the book you should read. Brian shares his 21 time management principles that can make you effective in this book.

20. What The Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast – Laura Vanderkam

This book was first published as an eBook selling on the internet. However, the book became viral and was published as a physical book. Laura Vanderkam interviewed many highly successful people in her book and you will discover the common routine of these people and what they do before breakfast.

21. The Power of Habit – Charles Duhigg

Charles Duhigg is a New York Times reporter and also a best-selling author of the book on the science behind habit creation and formation. In The Power of Habit, Charles explained through his research on how habits can make or break our lives. More importantly, this book also shows you how you can form productive and empowering habits that will get you what you want in life.

22. The 4-Hour Workweek – Tim Ferris

Can you really work for just 4 hours a week and still make a decent living? The answer lies in this great book from Tim Ferris. Tim shares his ideas and tips on how he manages his million-dollar business working for just 4 hours a week while having the time to travel around the world and involve in his hobbies and doing fun stuff. Tim also shows how you can leverage technology to outsource almost everything in every area of your life.

23. The Magic of Thinking Big – David Schwartz

Everyone knows that their mindset is important they want to achieve outstanding success in life. And in this life-changing book, David Schwartz uncovered how thinking can change your life and how you can think big to win big in life. The Magic of Thinking Big is a must read book for everyone who wants to accomplish extraordinary results in every part of their lives.

24. Live Your Dreams – Les Brown

Do you want to feel inspired and get motivated right now? If you do, read this book from the world-renowned motivational speaker Les Brown. In his book, Les shared how he managed to go from poverty to living his dream. The stories he shared are amazingly motivational and will definitely lift you up in life.

25. Elon Musk – Ashlee Vance

Deemed as one of the greatest entrepreneurs and a business magnate, Elon Musk is the founder, CEO and CTO of SpaceX, Tesla and SolarCity. Elon sets out his mission to colonize Mars through SpaceX and tend to mass-produced electric cars with Tesla. If you want to learn about entrepreneurship spirit, this is a must-read book for you. This book is very inspiring and the author shares the story of the man who wants to change the world by solving global warming and also making Mars a new place to stay.

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