Leslie Brown, or commonly known as Les Brown, is a famous American motivational speaker, author, radio DJ, former television host, and also a former politician. Les started in poverty and has been labeled as EMI, Educable Mentally Retarded. When he was in school, nobody thought that he was going to make it in life. Today, […]
Archive | Success
Tony Robbins Top 10 Rules for Success
Anthony Robbins is an American author, entrepreneur and also a success coach. He is known for his seminars which have attended by more than 4 million people, best-selling books including Awaken The Giant Within, and he is also the founder of several companies that earn approximately $5 billion in annual sales. In 2013, Forbes reported […]
A. P. J. Abdul Kalam’s Top 10 Rules For Success
Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam or better known as A. P. J. Abdul Kalam was the 11th President of India. He was a scientist turned statesmen and before he became the President of India, he was very active in aerospace engineering. Kalam was also known as the “Missile Man of India” due to his work […]
Top 10 Success Principles to Learn from T. Harv Eker
He is the founder of Peak Potentials Training, a well-known seminar company and also the best-selling author of “Secrets of The Millionaire Mind”, published by Harper Collins and the book was listed on The New York Times Bestseller’s list. His name is T. Harv Eker, one of the financial gurus that have helped millions across […]
Top 10 Success Principles to Learn from Dale Carnegie
Dale Carnegie was the famous American author of the book, “How to Win Friends and Influence People”. He was the developer of popular personal development courses in sales, public speaking, and interpersonal skills. Even though Carnegie passed away in 1955, the training program he developed, Dale Carnegie Course, is still available internationally and up to […]
Top 10 Success Principles to Learn from Bob Proctor
In 2006, a book was written and a film was made on the Law of Attraction called “The Secret” and since then it has transformed the whole personal development industry. There are a number of gurus have been featured in the book including the famous Bob Proctor. Proctor is an American author, a motivational speaker, […]
Top 12 Outstanding Benefits of Living an Ego-less Life
Ego means a person’s sense of self-esteem or self-importance, and being egoless simply means the opposite. When you are egoless, you become more selfless and you put others first rather than yourself. This is the basic fundamental that most people understand about egoless. However, being egoless has a deeper meaning and this is where most […]
Top 10 Success Principles to Learn from Robin Sharma
Robin Sharma is best known for his best-selling book, “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari”. He formerly was a lawyer but walked away from his legal career and age 25 due to dissatisfaction with his life, and then went on to self-publish a couple of books including Mega Living. His best-selling book, The Monk Who […]
Top 10 Success Principles to Learn from Rhonda Byrne
The Secret is one of the best-selling books by Rhonda Byrne that has shaken the self-help industry and changed the way people think about the things that they want in life. The Secret was first released as a film and later was published as a book. The principle behind The Secret is mainly based on […]
Top 10 Success Principles to Learn From Oprah Winfrey
Oprah Winfrey is considered the most influential woman by USA Today and Forbes named her the world’s most powerful celebrity in 2005. She is the American media mogul that was known for her talk show, “The Oprah Winfrey Show”, which was the highest-rated television program in history. She has been dubbed as the “Queen of […]