Many things in life can conjure the positive feelings of appreciation and gratefulness. Gratitude has quickly become a hot topic and part of psychology research, especially in the positive psychology research.
Expressing and practicing gratitude is never a new topic and most people associate gratitude with saying “thank you” to someone who has helped them. From another perspective, being grateful is not just an act of saying “thank you”, it is much deeper than that. It is a feeling, a positive emotion that serves a purpose.
And oftentimes, the feeling gratitude and appreciation can be represented by the color pink. The color pink carries with it the meaning of elegance and grace. Furthermore, it radiates sweetness and romance. Dark pink is also the variation of pink that is often used as a symbol of gratitude and appreciation.
Since ages ago, people have been using the color pink and dark pink to express their gratefulness toward someone. Pink color may not be the most complex color to create and mix, but it is not the “outside” that matters. What truly matters is the “inside”. And people usually use red roses to show their love and passion, do you know that the color of a dark red rose that resembles dark pink color can also represent gratitude?
Therefore, try to associate and use of pink color more often when you try to express your appreciation towards other people.
For instance, when you write a thank-you note, try to use dark pink color paper. You can also use pink color pen or marker to write your thank-you essay for your teachers or get a pink color envelope when you give a letter to your parents to show how much you appreciate them.
Always remember that the color the represents appreciation and gratitude is not the main factor that you should consider when it comes to expressing your appreciation.
As long as you have the heart and the sincerity, any color will do. Of course, when you include the right color in your message, you will enhance the effect of your actions. Psychology states that colors do play an important role in life and people often associate different colors with different emotions.
Always remember the purpose behind your gratefulness. Some people use gratitude to form new social relations or to make current ones better. On the other hand, some people use their act of gratitude to apologize or solve problems they face.
Plus, simply being grateful for being alive is a great way to motivate oneself to seize the day. The idea that tomorrow is not a guarantee can work as a strong drive for most people.
God created colors for a reason. Colors are a major part of our lives and they will affect our moods and emotions. And when you use pink or dark pink as the color the represents gratitude, you can express your message across more effectively.
The more you practice being grateful for the things that you have in life, the more benefits you will experience. Science has proved that people who often show their gratefulness will experience better well-being, greater relationships, happier, more positive, and has a stronger self-control. Thus, practice gratitude and be thankful for everything that you have now.
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